
Yogic Therapy of Stress & Tension

2 years ago By Yogi Anoop

Yogic Solution of Stress & Tension

Needless to say, modern life is marred by stress and tension. To think of it, this stress gets elevated after a certain point in life - that is, when a person gets employed or starts a new chapter after marriage. The mind is constantly grappling with new challenges and hurdles and weaving dreams of the future. As a result, anxiety rises which is the biggest cause of mental stress and tension. 

The faster we try to run after things, our senses and bodily processes also hasten to keep pace with the galloping mind. It is similar to how an exhausted mind feels after continuously looking at speeding objects. 

In our daily life, our senses always face dynamic, fast events. And in order to manage the same speed, the human mind starts failing, because it does not have energy left. When the mind gets exhausted, it finds it difficult to cope and ends up feeling anxious, thereby falling prey to stress, anxiety and tension. Due to this, problems like anger, irritability, headache, back pain, frustration, despair, sleeplessness, crying, lack of focus etc arise.

As a result, the body begins to bear the toll and falls prey to lifestyle issues and ailments such as hypertension, heart problems, diabetes, cancer, depression, obesity, stomach-related troubles, asthma and problems tied to the nervous system.

Note that when there is more pressure on the mind than necessary, then either the mind becomes more hyper than the body or becomes numb and inactive. In the case of the former, a person may experience ailments such as hypertension while obesity and diabetes strike when the mind goes into an inactive mode. Laziness is also a marker of the mind going into inactive mode. Such a person may also expect a lot from others, consumes unbalanced and unnatural food, keeps a competitive mood, is over-ambitious, craves everything without putting in enough effort.

Yogic Solution 

I cannot lay any more emphasis on the need for regular yoga, pranayama and meditation in our lives to stave off tension and anxiety. Modern medical science seems incapable of any permanent solution to mental and emotional problems. Although medical science has made a lot of progress to deal with its emergency problems. A person gets urgent care in case of an emergency, however, the longstanding troubles, the root causes remain unearthed. Many times a person gets enslaved to medicines for the rest of their life. Yoga has proved extremely beneficial in tackling these woes. 

     The effect of mental and emotional stress and imbalance on the body can be completely relieved by the practice of yoga asanas. For this, the following asanas are very effective keeping in mind the condition of your body under proper guidance:

Begin by practising light workout. After a week, add a couple of counts of Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutations to your routine. Follow this by adding Tadasana, Trikonasana, Janushirasana, Ustrasana, Pawanmuktasana, Markatasana, Halasana, Sarvangasana, Dhanurasana and Bhujangasana etc. according to your ability. 

Below, I have described the method of practising Halasana


Lie flat on the ground on your back. Take five long and deep breaths and leave the body loose and light. Now, lift both your legs straight up and with a light jerk, try to lift the buttocks and torso to the ground behind the head. Keeping the knees straight, take the feet as far as they go easily. This is the final position of Halasana.

Stay in this position for a comfortable period and come back to the previous position. However, people suffering from high blood pressure and heart disease should not practice it. After its practice, perform any of the back-bending postures like Matsyasana etc.


Nadi Shodhana, Cobra Breathing, Deep Chest Breathing, Ujjayi and Bhramari Pranayama play a very important role in removing mental stress and emotional imbalance. Note that practising them under skilled guidance and supervision is important and proves to be very beneficial.

Yoga Nidra

The only permanent solution to mental problems and emotional imbalances like stress, anxiety and depression is Yoga Nidra and meditation. By practising them regularly for ten minutes in the morning and evening, one is likely to remain unharmed by mental tension and stress. Meditation is the only key to leading a fearless and calm life and making the best of your personality. 

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