
Yogic Solution of hyperacidity

2 years ago By Yogi Anoop

Yogic Solution of hyperacidity 

Two of the five elements whose ratio is the highest in body and Brain are water and air. The human body consists of 65 to 70 percent water, 85 to 90 percent in the brain, and about 80-80% in the blood and lungs. 

Out of many reasons for the increase of acidity in the body, two main causes are inadequate or the presence of contaminated water in the body and an excess amount of CO2. Most people forget to drink water due to excessive engagement in work and at the same time are unable to feel the need to drink water due to spending prolonged time in air-conditioned rooms.

When the amount of carbon dioxide increases in the body, about 80 percent of the water in the blood starts becoming acidic. As a result, parts of the body that have the highest amount of water, such as the brain, lungs, liver, bladder, intestines and heart, begin to see the effects of excessive acid in the blood.

When acid starts spreading in these parts, there is no burning sensation in the stomach and heartburn, but there is constant heaviness in the head, the eyes along with bloating in the stomach, stiffness in the chest, burning in urination, burning in the anus, Problems start appearing in the arteries of the heart. A person may also begin to experience pain, cramps and fatigue in muscles. 

In my observation, burning sensation in the stomach is a common symptom of acidity, it is not a serious problem, the body suggests that it should be corrected by increasing the amount of water and by doing pranayama and lifestyle changes. If it is not controlled initially then it becomes a serious problem.

With the increase of acid in the blood for years, the chances of decay in the brain cells increase, calcification is also seen in the blood which is the reason for increasing heart disease.

As mentioned earlier, another major cause of excessive acidity is the increase in CO2 in the blood. For this reason, the water inside the blood does not get purified. If oxygenation is done, the purity of the water increases and excess acidity and its reaction can be tackled and eliminated.

As a solution, it is necessary to emphasise two things: 

1) Increase the percentage of water content in the body even if thirst is not felt. The body may have become thirsty, so it is necessary to increase the amount of water in it appropriately.

2) Increase the vital force (prana) inside the blood so that the water and blood present in it can be purified. Note, if oxygen is increased in the water flowing inside the body, then it can be relieved from excessive acidity in a very short time.

Here we are going to discuss a pranayama technique that, if done very carefully, can purify the contaminated water in the body.

Abdominal Breathing

This pranayama should be done by lying straight on the bed before sleeping at night for 11 minutes and after getting up in the morning and consuming water for 11 minutes.

Slowly inflate the abdomen while filling the breath comfortably and hold it for 3 seconds and then slowly exhale the breath in an effortful manner, at the same time do not deflate the Abdomen. Sometimes it proves to be beneficial to get the breath out of the mouth as well. If you keep practising this pranayama daily, you will see the result in no time. Lifestyle and dietary modifications are a must along with getting ample sound sleep to see holistic and long-term results.  

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