A simple Yogic Solution For Tonsillitis
Undeniably, tonsillitis can be a real pain, quite literally! For those of you who may not know it, tonsillitis may often contribute to problems of the heart valve, kidney ailments as well as joint inflammation. The primary causes of tonsillitis are also some of the obvious ones, such as consuming too cold foods and beverages, getting exposed to cold, among others. Some people may get a fever after experiencing sudden chills.
Some other symptoms may include pain in the back and legs, sore throat with difficulty in swallowing, bad breath, heaviness in breathing, cough, phlegm, heaviness of voice, among others. Modern science usually treats this problem with the help of antibiotics and in severe cases may advise surgery. However, as I say, yogic techniques can go a long way in mitigating or alleviating many health troubles. Below, I shall list down some easy yogic asanas and pranayama that can help in the problem of tonsillitis.
Asana and Surya namaskar
Yoga or pranayama is strictly prohibited in the case of acute tonsillitis, otherwise, a range of yoga asanas can help in the problem of tonsillitis such as simhasana, tadasana, vrikshasana, trikonasana, janushirasana, dhanurasana, naukasana, bhujangasana. Besides these, a regular exercise of sun salutations or surya namaskar can amp up your yoga routine against tonsillitis and a host of other ailments.
A note on Simhasana
Simhasana or the lion's pose needs a special mention here as it is known to help a great deal in treating symptoms related to tonsillitis. Below, we shall learn how to practise it.
Sit on a mat with both legs spread straight in front of you. Leaving all parts of the body loose and light, consciously take five long and deep breaths. Now get down on your knees. Place the buttocks in between the heels of both feet. Spread your legs to make a gap of about one and a half feet between the knees. Then place the palms between the knees near the thighs in such a way that the wrists are outside and the fingers are inwards. After this, while tilting the torso slightly forward, open your mouth and push out your tongue as much as possible. Keeping the tongue out, make a lion-like growl from the throat. Make this sound four or five times.
Power of Pranayama
Regular pranayama is so potent that it can actually get a person rid of many diseases. Regular practice of abdominal breathing and chest pranayama will be very beneficial. Practice Ujjayi and Nadi Shodhana. Once a problem resolves or alleviates, a week or two after that one can incorporate Kapalbhati into the routine.
Below, we shall talk about how to practice Ujjai breathing.
How to perform Ujjai breathing and Neti
Sit on a yoga mat in a normal meditation posture such as Sukhasana or sit on a chair with the spine, neck and head straight. Now, fold the front part of your tongue and stick it to the upper palate. This is Khechari pose. Now, while compressing the throat take a slow, long and deep breath in and out so that the sound of ha ha ha comes. If it is done for at least 11 minutes then it will be very beneficial. Remember, if the goal here is to alleviate tonsillitis then do not meditate right after pranayama.
If the practice of Neti is done under the guidance of a qualified guru, then it will help in getting rid of this disease.
Diet and lifestyle
As I have mentioned a gazillion times, no amount of exercise or pranayama will benefit if the sleep, food and lifestyle are not in place. A person suffering from severe tonsillitis should consume more soups, vegetable juices, decoction, fruit juices, water after cooking lentils etc. Thin khichdi and porridge can be taken soon after the disease is cured. When the disease is completely cured, then normal food should be started.
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