
Why Does The Mind Escape !

1 year ago By Yogi Anoop

Why Does The Mind Escape During Problems?

Although the mind has two aspects of its inherent nature, the first is stability, and the second is instability. Just like a coin has two sides. Here, the reference is to the mind's instability due to wandering. To understand the world, it needs to wander. When the mind is wandering, it fulfills physical needs, and when it's stable, it attains mental peace because it's calm and free from disturbances.

Now, let's address why the mind tends to run at a rapid pace during problems. Although during problems, it should run because stopping the mind won't solve the issue. The core of the question is that the mind tends to run too fast, leading to a lack of understanding and insight.

The mind runs during problems because, when there were no problems, we had already trained it to wander in imagination. Since childhood, the mind was finding happiness through imagination. If one observes their 24 hours closely, they'd realize that their mind was constantly seeking momentary joy through imagination.

Even the religious and emotional minds create happiness through imagination. Although they call it bliss, I refer to it as momentary mental constructs. The problem is that the mind develops a bad habit of constantly seeking joy from imagination.

Even during daily activities, the mind often remains focused on imaginary thoughts. It's essential to note that the mind is deeply immersed in imagination. Its habit is not to live in reality but in imagination. Even while engaging in daily life, it continues to derive pleasure from imagination rather than the actual experience.

For example, while driving a truck, the driver should derive happiness from their driving skills rather than from mindlessly singing songs. If they had focused on their driving skills, the experience would have been more fulfilling. When one lives mindfully, the mind receives ample rest during practical activities.

During a meal, if one's mind is engrossed in imagination rather than savoring the taste, their digestion and excretion processes will suffer. The mind keeps wandering during the meal, which leads to digestive problems.

It is only when we live mindfully in the present that we can truly experience life. These experiences stabilize the mind. I believe that only through the weight of experience can the mind's tendency to run be curbed.

Experienced individuals, when faced with a problem, channel their minds towards finding a solution instead of running away. In the process of finding a solution, the mind collaborates with intelligence and discernment rather than indulging in imagination.

It's necessary to understand that the mind's habit is deeply ingrained in imagination. Its habit is not to live in practical situations. This is because it has learned to live in imagination during behavior.

Note that problems arise only when living in behavior. If the mind is not engaged in behavior, it will not have any other alternative but to run. For instance, when eating, the mind needs to be involved in the process of digestion and elimination. If it's not, it will become restless, leading to problems.

In conclusion, we invited the problems ourselves by training the mind to wander, and now we are running away from them. This is because the mind has almost lost the habit of living in behavior. If it hasn't lived in behavior, how will it find solutions to problems? Ultimately, it will seek solutions from someone else, even though it has practiced doing so all along."

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