The mind move when Vata flows, what do I mean by this? Let us understand in depth. When air loses its balance in the body, our mind and heart also experience an imbalance. If we were to run an experiment, we could find that those who struggle with mental ailments are the ones who experience an imbalance of air or Vata in their body. Pitta or Kapha imbalances rarely lead to mental issues. Mental problems are seen mostly in people with air imbalance in their bodies, such is my experience with the patients who come to me.
The kind of people I am talking about here include those who make mountains out of a mole. They are so focused on the smallest of issues that they can think of a small boil as cancer. I guess sages composed the “Chale Vatam, Chale Chittam” sutra for such people only, those who get entangled in the troubles of the body. When yogis and rishis suffer from physical diseases it never causes them mental trouble because of their high level of focus and concentration.
Ramakrishna Paramhansa and Vivekananda suffered from diseases but their minds did not go into depression.
I have noticed, whatever huge changes occur in the body are the outcome of minute, small events. The subtle or the minutest is the cause of permanent change in gross, however, it is not the other way round, such a change is not permanent. With the movement of the mind, the level of Vata in the body and the senses increases and decreases accordingly.
Ayurveda also talks about the impact on the mind due to an imbalance in the level of Vata in the body. However, great yogis and sages never talked about controlling Vata, they never said that controlling the mind and thoughts can never be possible without regulating Vata. All that they suggested was to keep the monkey mind in order by controlling the subtle causal desires, not Vata.
In my final words, I would just like to say that the ebb and flow in the mind is bound to impact the body, in my practice, I try to incorporate चले वातम, चले चित्तम through proper food and pranayama while at the same time I adopted the concept of "चले चित्तम चले वातम” by practising control, discipline in routine and through dhyan and sadhna (meditation). All in all, a disciplined life coupled with healthy food, good habits, regular exercise, proper sleep, regular pranayama and meditation are all that is needed to keep the body and mind in order, healthy and happy for a long and meaningful life.
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