Generally, people understand training of the body's muscles as training of the mind. While it is true that training the muscles leads to training the brain, and the mind remains alert and focused during physical activity, but it is incorrect to call this "mind training."
In my own experience, mind training means how one handles any object or thought that comes to the mind through the senses. It is about controlling the thoughts that are running in the subconscious mind. However, in modern times, the mistake of equating muscle training with mind training is becoming more common. In muscle training, the body's dominant part is used, such as in the case of wrestlers or boxers. All of these people are trained to exercise their muscles. If we observe their nature, they may appear to be hyperactive due to their extensive muscle training. However, excessive muscle training can increase restlessness in the mind.
The meaning of muscle training:
Muscle training brings happiness to the mind and gives it peace. The practice of muscles has a positive impact on the major organs of the body, which gives the brain a good experience. However, it is important to understand that here, the mind is deriving happiness from the body's exercise.
It's okay as long as the mind is experiencing happiness from the body, but as soon as the mind makes the muscles of the body practice so much that the muscles start controlling the mind on their own, it becomes a problem. All the wrestlers and boxers, etc., after a few years, have to face the pain of their body's muscles.
Note that my intention here is not to say that physical exercise should not be done at all. The practice of muscles affects the mind positively. However, in physical exercise, the focus of the mind shifts from thoughts to the muscles of the body. It becomes centered on the formation of those muscles. As a result, the mind does not get trained properly.
In my own experience, when the muscles are overworked, the condition of the mind becomes very pitiable. That is why in the science of yoga, there is a prohibition on overexertion.
This person uses their mind and senses throughout the day, so it is important for them to regularly regulate their thoughts. When the mind learns to handle thoughts, it trains itself. When the mind solves external problems using its principles and intelligence, it uses itself. This leads to the development of the mind and gives it the power to deal with situations. When the mind regulates its thoughts regularly to make itself powerful, it is considered excellent practice. However, it is good to use the body's muscles to make oneself powerful, but it is not very intellectual. I cannot call it very great.
I have also seen that with too much practice of muscles, the restlessness of the mind increases, which is why many people who overdo physical exercise take drugs. They take drugs to eliminate that restlessness. Drugs try to numb the mind and brain, and it prevents the mind from experiencing unnecessary physical pain.
In my experience, practicing the body's muscles is as appropriate as the regular circulation of blood and energy in the brain. Keep the body's organs regular and handle the pains given by the mind. If the mind is trained, it can control the body's pain as well.
If the mind's training is given importance, then it is possible to live a peaceful and balanced life. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on training the mind along with the physical exercises.
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