The Impact Of Speaking Less On Brain
There are myriad benefits of speaking little from a spiritual point of view. In my opinion, it leads to a clearer, sharper mind, increased focus and productivity. Speaking little cuts out unnecessary chatter and makes room for what is more important and urgent. People who take their time to process things and speak calmly usually stay calm and focused as opposed to those who remain restless and talk at a fast pace. The former are widely respected people for the virtues of their sincerity, and seriousness and tend to be neither fickle nor jumpy.
People who talk less and calmly can express and communicate more effectively without using many words. As it is said, less is more, so is true for how much we speak as well. People who speak less enjoy greater satisfaction in their everyday lives and are able to wade through unnecessary clutter of thoughts. Not just mental health and well-being, speaking less has tremendous benefits for physical health as well. In my opinion, the deeper, inward one goes, the more one tends to get satisfied with oneself and the need to seek happiness or anything outside becomes less. Such people manage to remain positive in the long run.
On the contrary, certain people like to stay quiet even though there is a whirlwind going on inside them, they just try to suppress their emotions. In the long run, such people tend to fall prey to anxiety or even depression. Such people cling to negativity and pessimism. Therefore, it is advisable to seek knowledge, turn inward, practise breathwork and meditation. Take a look at the following points:
When a person speaks less due to increased understanding, then his brain and senses do not become very disturbed and dissatisfied. For this reason, the mind and brains of people of such nature are very sharp and at the same time very observant.
By speaking less, there is no deficiency of sky and air elements in the body, due to which the person does not have to eat food again and again and at the same time he will not be interested in that type of food which has a lot of intensity. Like pungent, very sweet etc.
There is a lot of depth in people of this type of nature. This is the reason why extreme seriousness can be seen in them. If nature is spiritual, then such people give direction to their own self-development as well as to society, but if they are not spiritual, they harm their own mind a lot.
Speaking less does not cause a lot of sourness in mutual relations. Their relationships last for a long time.
By speaking slowly and in a relaxed manner, the mind and brain have more control over circumstances and coming out of things. Due to not being very fast in thinking inside and extracting it, the mind gets used to speaking after thinking inside. Due to this, the internal capacity of the mind, senses and brain increases tremendously.
In such people, the heart rate is not very fast, and at the same time, the control of blood circulation is also seen to be good.
Tolerance and patience also increase more in such people. The truth is that there is already so much patience in the process of thinking that the same patience and tolerance start appearing in the external nature as well.
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