
The Illusion of Surrender

1 year ago By Yogi Anoop

"The Illusion of Surrender: How Dedicating Desires to a Higher Power Increases Doubts"

Instead of constantly working on one's own behaviour, an ordinary person gets trapped in his own self produced imagined thoughts to escape from it. In my experience, even if someone has been controlled once and their behaviour is not correct then peace and stability cannot come from within. A devotee of God may control external desires in a supposed way, but cannot completely end internal conflicts. They just pretend to surrender all their desires to their higher power, but in reality, they are not completely eliminated.

Somewhere inside him, there are hidden desires that can be seen in his behavior. I can easily see them through their senses of language. Therefore, it is often heard from such devotees that I don’t make any diarie "whatever God wants, he is making it happen."

I say, why would God want you to do anything? If the Almighty does not have desires, then why would he want his devotees to do something?

If he is making someone do something, then why create humans at all? He should have made trees and plants instead. While humans are very different. It is said that a man whose mind is free is the only human. A dependent mind is not even a symbol of humanity.

And if there are desires in that supreme power to control everything, then how can it be called infinite? If it is infinite, then it should not have any desires. If it makes humans do something, then it means it has desires. So how can it be infinite?

Note that a common person ends desires to attain God, and there God, through its desires, keeps making that common person work. Through my personal experience, I have realised that practicing through such emotions only increases doubts in a person instead of reducing them. On closer observation, it is known that the mind cannot be calm and stable without reducing desires. But one cannot reduce or end their own desires by dedicating them to someone else. It should be ended in a knowledgeable manner.

In ancient times, some sages gave the concept of surrender to calm the mind. This surrender was towards a living enlightened master.

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