The brain is full of numerous tissues and they are stimulated through the five senses so that their healing can be initiated. Just as in the taste glands, for example, there are infinite tastes, each food has its own distinct taste which produces a particular kind of sensation in the brain, thereby satisfying the innermost being. While Ayurveda has indicated six tastes, the tongue has the capability of identifying infinite tastes which are present in things within this whole world.
Similarly, different types of sound reach the brain through the ears. This creates more waves in the brain cells. All those waves heal the brain at their own pace. Note, that when one part of the brain reaches its maximum level of satisfaction, it begins to heal other parts as well. The innermost is so satisfied that the other dissatisfied parts of the brain cannot even raise the head of the rebellion. They start making themselves happy. When one group is happy in the brain, the other dissatisfied group also gets affected in a positive way.
Here I would like to talk about the healing of the mind through meditation. It is a path in which it does not reach the brain through the senses and thoughts, but it reaches the brain after eliminating the thought.
The science of meditation says that when the thoughts are negated, then each of the brain cells automatically starts to recharge itself. Healing of the mind is done many times more than the healing by thoughts. Since the mind is most affected by thoughts, the brain is most tired of thoughts, so if that mind is devoid of thoughts for a short period of time, its healing will be the most.
Some Tips To Keep Handy
Apart from one's profession in life, one should practice one art so that the mind can get deep peace from it.
It is very important to exercise the spine, because through the practice of the spine, the subtle parts of the brain can be reached. From the brain to the body and from the body to the brain, the network of the entire nervous system passes through this spine. Through the practice of different asanas related to the spine, the life energy between their joints is sharpened and many parts of the brain can be easily accessed.
In my own experience a person gets so entangled in job and family responsibilities etc. that a lot of stiffness is created in physical joints, which creates many hindrances in the circulation of life energy. If the part of the spine is made flexible, then more control can be brought on the nervous system contained within the brain and the mind can be thoughtless. On experiencing it minutely in the innermost part of the brain, a thoughtless state is reached. I recommend practising it only under the right guidance.
A person gets so entangled in responsibilities that the saying goes "there is no time to breathe" starts proving true. The truth is that there is a constant lack of oxygen in his brain, his stress is the root cause of this. Therefore, people should also practise Pranayama so that those waves develop more in their brain which makes the brain more experienced.
Most people smoke cigarettes under stress and anxiety, instead of inhaling that air, they should make a habit of inhaling more oxygen which can give deep peace to the brain. Because the attention of ordinary people is on that expensive thing which is bought with money only. Oxygen is free so it doesn't matter. But the day you understand the importance of this, the healing of the brain becomes the most.
One should be inclined towards cognitive behaviour after employment and marriage. By this, the unnecessary burden of thoughts and feelings on the mind can be removed. Although every type of thoughts should be given importance so that the management of the mind increases. When each type of thoughts are sheltered in the mind, it means that you are not afraid of them, you can easily become thoughtless by establishing more management than that.
There must be some exercise of the muscles in the body. Like walking etc. that relaxes the mind by reducing unnecessary stress in the body.
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