(Scientific and mythological secrets of Turtle Pranayama)
My natural effort was to see how to simplify my life by observing the subtle changes taking place in the material world. If a subtle vision is fixed on the changes taking place in the senses, then other organs can be easily healed. Even the sages changed themselves by seeing not only the human body but the physical characteristics of other living beings. That is why somewhere, respect was given to all those living beings who had some or the other characteristics or qualities.
In Hindu mythology, a turtle is a symbol of patience, a creature which is seen as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Therefore, the creature is revered and respected. A wise person is not deterred by adversities and remains calm with patience. Even his breath has stability - deep, long breaths - no hyperactivity, no aggression, just stillness, stability and calmness. Such a person is unaffected by wins and losses, joy or pain, they are always the same, in all circumstances.
From the point of view of Vastu Shastra also it is advised to keep the turtle symbolically in the north direction of the house, to get financial blessings. But from a practical point of view, there is no truth in it.
But if I explain it from my point of view, then it will be like this. The north direction of the human body is the brain, this place should remain stable and calm like a tortoise because through this area peace, concentration and patience develops. And this leads to the increase of Lakshmi and wealth.
That is why it is said that the north direction of the house should be very calm and influenced by water, just as the house of the tortoise is water. The house of the mind cannot be fire, its original home is water, but it should remain calm and stable. That is why Duryodhana had to go inside the water to remain calm and stable during the last time of his life.
If seen based on religious beliefs also, if the turtle is kept symbolically in the house, the family members van get a long life. There is peace and stability in the house. But from a practical point of view, there is no causal relation between the age of inhabitants and keeping a turtle idol in the house. A tortoise does not increase man's life, but seeing the turtle, man reminds him of his steady nature in the mind, due to which his senses become calm. If things of a calm nature remain in front of the senses, then somewhere in their innermost stability will continue to take birth. He will keep himself satisfied.
If considered very seriously, then these mythological beliefs are trying to say that stay around those people or keep only those people around by which peace and stability in the mind and body are maintained, as well as the vibration inside the house also stays positive. So that there should be no discord within himself and within the family.
The sages of Hatha Yoga focused on the part of the tortoise that contained its senses and the movement of the breath. If you look deeply, the subtle and long speed of the creature's breath seems to be helpful in increasing its life span. Therefore, sages realised that by keeping the breath slow and subtle, the quality of health and life span can be optimised. Perhaps, this is why the yogis suggested inhaling and exhaling slowly and calmly like a turtle.
As far as my experiment in this pranayama is concerned, it has been very exciting, with this I have experienced myself bringing my heart rate down to 40. In this state of the heart, there was no trace of thoughts far and wide, even in spite of wanting thoughts.
The seeker and the common man need peace and stability in life, and if he gets himself through the practice of this Turtle Pranayama, then it can be achieved.
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