Scientific Conversation About Kriya Yoga Between Yogi Anoop and His Disciple
Disciple: According to you, this Kriya Yoga method combines visualization and pranayama. But what is its scientific basis?
Yogi Anoop: Let me explain with an example. When a person, based on their beliefs, expresses emotions toward a divine entity and feels happiness, hormones like dopamine are released in their body. This happens because when emotions are prioritized before any action, the intensity of those emotions determines the person’s focus. The outcomes of this focus are reflected in their body and brain. This has also been scientifically proven.
In the same way, visualization is used to awaken energy at a specific point in the body, which naturally leads to concentration. When this concentration is combined with practical pranayama, it produces corresponding practical and scientific results.
Most Kriya Yoga practitioners experience adrenaline secretion during practice because their desire to increase limitless energy makes them hyperactive and excited. This results in the excessive secretion of stress-related hormones. However, under the guidance of a guru, if Kriya Yoga is practiced properly, the regulation of energy leads to increased stability, which helps balance serotonin levels.
Through this practice, the results are achieved in the form of an appropriate increase in serotonin levels. As stability increases through this method, certain beneficial chemicals are naturally produced, which are found to be highly advantageous not only for the brain but also for the body.
From a scientific perspective, serotonin is a neurotransmitter that regulates mood, sleep, appetite, and memory. This means that if Kriya Yoga practice increases stability and that stability leads to an increase in serotonin, then all these positive effects are observed in the body.
Even scientifically, serotonin—90% of which is found in the intestines and blood platelets—intensifies the detoxification process in the body. In my opinion, excessive activity in the intestines is also reduced because hyperactivity is not the natural state of the intestines. Scientifically, this is because serotonin is found in the highest concentration in the intestines and platelets.
This implies that, like the brain, the intestines also prefer stability over irritation.
In my personal experience, serotonin is not my focus; my sole aim is how I can remain stable. If the experience of stability is achieved in adequate amounts, then the chemical processes in the body naturally align. This is an absolute truth.
This is why spirituality succeeds in healing the body and brain.
In my spiritual experience, the processes of ascent (aroh) and descent (avroh) are crucial in Kriya Yoga. During the process of descent, sensory neurons carry messages (sensory information) from various parts of the body (such as skin, eyes, ears, tongue, etc.) to the brain and spinal cord.
Through these messages, energy is cooled or compressed. The more the energy is calmed and stabilized during the descent, the greater the potential for enhancing vital energy and increasing the duration of experiences.
Note that the duration of experiences can only be increased through intentional stability. In this state, I have also worked on diagnosing and treating several diseases.
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