
Rectal Paralysis: Yogic Solution

2 weeks ago By Yogi Anoop

Rectal Paralysis: Yogic Solution for Rectal Paralysis

Rectal Paralysis occurs when the neural connectivity between the rectum and the brain is disrupted. This condition usually arises due to nerve damage, spinal cord injury, weakness in rectal muscles, or a reduction in the ability of the brain and nervous system to transmit messages effectively.

The proper functioning of rectal muscles and the anal sphincter relies entirely on the coordinated processes of the autonomic nervous system and the central nervous system. When this connectivity is interrupted, a person loses the sensation of bowel movement or becomes unable to expel the stool accumulated in the rectum.

Yogi Anoop’s Experience with a Solution

This issue first came to Yogi Anoop’s attention 7–8 years ago. A student reported struggling with this condition for a long time. The student could not recall exactly how the condition began but stated that bowel movements occurred only once every 5–7 days, and even then, there was no sensation or urge for defecation.

Doctors described this condition as severe. Specialists at AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences) explained that the messaging between the brain and the rectum had ceased, causing the rectal muscles to become almost non-functional, thereby disrupting the process of defecation and anal sphincter activity.

Doctors recommended surgery, but they could not guarantee its success. They also warned that surgery might lead to a complete loss of control over the rectum and anal sphincter, causing stool to pass uncontrollably. This fear led the student to refuse surgery and instead seek help from Yogi Anoop.

Yogic and Dietary Approach

Yogi Anoop emphasized that the solution to this problem is not limited to surgery. This condition stems from a deep imbalance between the body and the brain, which can be addressed through yogic techniques.

Mooladhara Chakra and the Solution:

Yogi Anoop advised focusing on the Mooladhara Chakra, located near the rectum. According to him, there is a close connection between the Mooladhara Chakra, the rectum, and the anal sphincter. In yoga, the Mooladhara Chakra is considered the foundation of the body, balancing not only the rectum and anal sphincter but also the lower parts of the body.

Using yoga and pranayama, Yogi Anoop activated the Mooladhara and Swadhisthana Chakras. This process revitalized not only the rectum but also the surrounding muscular and nervous areas.

Methods Adopted for the Solution

1. Use of Oil Enema

An oil enema was used to improve the condition of the rectum and anal sphincter. This process helped remove toxins from the body and activate the affected areas.

2. Practice of Asanas and Pranayama

Benefits of Asanas and Pranayama:

• 30-degree position: The student was instructed to lie on their back and rest their legs at a 30-degree angle against a wall. This improved blood flow to the rectum and anal sphincter.

• Moola Bandha Practice: Deep breathing exercises were introduced, involving contracting and relaxing the rectum. This stimulated the muscles effectively.

• Antar Kumbhaka Pranayama: This pranayama improved the parasympathetic nervous system, leading to enhanced mental calmness.

These yogic practices not only alleviated rectal paralysis but also improved other physical and mental issues.

3. Dietary and Lifestyle Modifications

Yogi Anoop recommended the student adopt a balanced diet:

• Avoid spicy foods but consume oil as prescribed.

• Increase the intake of fiber-rich foods and ensure adequate water consumption.

• Instead of relying on juice and light meals for long periods, maintain a balanced regular diet.

Results and Improvements

After approximately 15 days of consistent practice and minimal dietary adjustments, the student experienced a 70–78% improvement in their condition. A combination of oil enemas, oil consumption, asanas, and pranayama not only resolved the physical issue but also stabilized the student’s mental state.

Conditions like rectal paralysis cannot be resolved through surgery alone. Based on Yogi Anoop’s experience, this issue can be prevented and treated through the right routine, yoga asanas, pranayama, and mental stability.

This process should always be undertaken under expert guidance. Regular practice of yoga and meditation can provide new energy and balance not only to the body but also to the mind and soul.

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