Ida Nadi is a major energy channel in our body and an essential part of the pranic system. It is the channel that influences the left side of our body and is responsible for promoting peace, stability, and balancing the physical and mental states. The following techniques can be used to activate Ida Nadi:
Practicing pranayama and various yoga postures can be helpful in activating Ida Nadi. Chandra Bhedana Pranayama, Nadi Shodhana Pranayama, and Shavasana are some of the primary techniques that can be beneficial for activating Ida Nadi.
Particularly, it is considered auspicious for Ida Nadi to be active at night. Some individuals have a nature in which their minds become highly active and restless at night, making it difficult for them to fall asleep.
Ordinary people who have trouble sleeping at night often try to tire their eyes by focusing on screens. When their eyes become tired, sleep naturally comes. However, it can be very dangerous to intentionally tire the eyes to induce sleep. This can eliminate all possibilities of deep sleep and increase the likelihood of future mental problems.
Such individuals should definitely follow several rules at night:
Practice asanas for a few minutes before dinner at night.
Dinner should be completed by 7 PM.
Taking a walk half an hour after dinner is essential.
Avoid any kind of screen time after dinner.
Practicing pranayama before sleeping is crucial.
Lying on the right side and performing pranayama is ideal. In this position, slowly inhale and exhale into the chest. This action should be performed for approximately eleven minutes, which will open the left nostril. It gradually increases blood and oxygen supply to the right side of the brain. As a result, Ida Nadi becomes active, and the muscles of the senses begin to relax. Simultaneously, the muscles of the body also start to relax. This leads the person into a deep sleep. This state of body and mind is very healing state.
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