Nervous System and Brain Balance: Kriya Yoga
The balance of the nervous system and the brain forms the foundation of every action in our lives. When the brain and the nervous system function properly, the body remains healthy, and mental peace is maintained. Due to the modern lifestyle, poor posture, and stress, the nervous system weakens, leading to various physical and mental illnesses. In this article, we will explore how to balance the nervous system and brain through correct posture, spinal care, and yoga-meditation.
Relaxation of the Body and Spine
When the muscles are calm and in a stable state, and the spine is relaxed, the brain and heart experience positive effects. Conversely, when the mind, brain, and senses remain calm and steady, the muscles of the body achieve their optimal healing state. For instance, when you speak, only as much tension as needed occurs in the face and jaws. This natural state ensures that unnecessary pressure is not exerted on the spine.
Keeping the spine in the correct position allows the nervous system to remain stress-free naturally. Modern science explains this technically, but the experience of yoga and meditation simplifies and makes it intuitive. The correct alignment and flexibility of the spine establish flexibility in the neural connections, helping the brain remain calm and stable. In such a state, all body organs function optimally.
Importance of Oxygen and Blood Flow
For the nervous system and brain to function smoothly and steadily, the balance of oxygen and blood flow is extremely important. Each organ should receive blood and oxygen according to its needs. For example, during digestion, more blood flow is required for the digestive system, while during physical activities, it is focused on the muscles.
If there is an imbalance in blood flow, the brain and nervous system are affected. Excessive pressure on the spine disrupts the body’s functioning, leading to fatigue, irritability, and other mental issues.
Correct Posture and Spinal Care
Correct posture is the first step to maintaining the balance of the nervous system.
• Sitting on a chair for extended periods with mental stress puts unnecessary pressure on the spine. This is because during stress, the sitting position is not proper, and mental stress also impacts the spine. Therefore, efforts should be made to keep the spine in a straight line for some time and then allow it to relax against the backrest of the chair.
• If mental stress persists, a slight stretch or tension in the spine while seated should be done to relieve it, followed by relaxing the spine again. This process not only relieves tension from the spine but also helps in relaxing the brain. It also increases the duration one can work sitting in an office.
• Note that it is not always appropriate to rely on the chair’s backrest. For a few moments, the spine should remain unsupported to allow slight tension to build in it, and then the spine can rest against the chair again. This should be done multiple times during the day. This practice strengthens the spine further, and the nervous system improves as well.
Yoga and Meditation: A Medium to Empower the Nervous System
Yoga and meditation are the most effective tools for balancing the nervous system and brain.
1. Hatha Yoga: Hatha yoga is effective in keeping the spine straight and relaxed. It includes certain poses that strengthen the entire spine, such as Bhujangasana, Paschimottanasana, Setu Bandhasana, and Shalabhasana.
2. Pranayama: Relaxation is the most suitable medium to enhance the nervous system. Relaxation of the spine signifies the full absorption of life energy in the spine and brain. This involves not only controlling the breath but also experiencing relaxation at deeper levels of breathing. This practice relaxes not only the spine and brain but also the mind and thoughts.
3. Meditation: Meditation is the medium through which the observer experiences themselves based on external subjects. Meditation provides peace to the mind and relaxes thoughts. I personally prefer the word “relaxation” over “control,” as I resonate more with the experience of thought relaxation.
As thoughts relax, the nervous system located in the brain and spine becomes calmer and more stable, and the nervous system becomes more energized.
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