
Navel Centre & ENS

1 month ago By Yogi Anoop

Navel Energy and the Enteric Nervous System: An In-Depth Study of the Body’s Second Brain

The navel (Umbilicus), located behind the Manipura Chakra in the spine, serves as the source of all neural networks that directly and indirectly influence the abdominal region. The journey of the nervous system, originating from and passing through the navel to the Manipura Chakra, holds significant importance. This central point of the navel can, in some ways, be identified with the Enteric Nervous System (ENS). Modern science recognizes it as the “second brain” because of its profound impact on the small intestine, large intestine, and liver.

From my perspective, the lower and upper sections around the navel are governed by a gravitational force-like power situated in the center. This same force renders vital organs like the liver incredibly powerful. Hence, I view the Manipura Chakra and the navel as the “second brain.”

The Relationship Between the Navel and the Enteric Nervous System

The navel, located at the center of the human body, is positioned below the stomach and just above the intestines. Modern science identifies the digestive system, primarily located near the navel, as the main functional area of the Enteric Nervous System. The area surrounding the navel acts as a crucial hub for neural networks and blood flow, facilitating the smooth functioning of the ENS.

If examined closely, the relationship between the navel and the ENS is profound. The navel, as a gravitational center, significantly influences vital organs like the liver and intestines, which are also directly impacted by the ENS. The ENS’s two primary plexuses—Myenteric and Submucosal—are located around the navel region.

The Myenteric Plexus regulates intestinal motility and muscle contractions, while the Submucosal Plexus assists in digestive secretions and nutrient absorption.

When related to the principles of the navel, the concepts of contraction and relaxation become particularly relevant. In my experience, the gravitational principles of the navel are based on these same dynamics of contraction and relaxation. This behavior mirrors that of the brain, which is why I consider the navel to be the second brain. Interestingly, modern science also regards the ENS as the second brain.

Gut-Brain Connection and the Navel

There is a direct relationship between the ENS and the brain, known as the “Gut-Brain Axis.” This connection operates through the nerves near the navel and the ENS. In many practices I have developed related to the navel, these neural networks are effectively activated and enhanced.

In my opinion, stress, anxiety, and emotional imbalance primarily affect the navel. Similarly, modern science states that mental stress significantly impacts the ENS, leading to various digestive problems like constipation, gas, and diarrhea.

Through numerous yogic pranayama techniques, I have successfully treated thousands of individuals with issues related to the navel. I observe every individual from two perspectives: one related to the brain and the other to the navel. Understanding the relationship between these two simplifies diagnosing and addressing illnesses.

Ayurveda and the Importance of the Navel

Ayurveda refers to the navel as the “center of the body” and the Manipura Chakra, which governs digestion and energy flow. Ayurveda emphasizes techniques such as oil massage (Abhyanga) and the consumption of ghee to balance the ENS through the navel. Ghee and fats help relax the contractions in the stomach, facilitating better digestion and excretion, thus addressing issues like constipation with ease.

According to me, the contractions around the Manipura Chakra and the navel center disrupt the functioning of the ENS. My experiments have revealed profound solutions for these challenges.

Through the navel, neurotransmitters such as serotonin, which are linked to the ENS, can be balanced. This helps improve mental health and digestion.

Yoga and the Navel-ENS Connection

Yogic practices like Nadi Shodhana, subtle Kapalbhati, and Navel Chakra Sadhana not only correct navel displacement but also enhance the functioning of the ENS.

The connection between the navel and the ENS is deep. The navel is not just the center of the ENS but also plays a vital role in balancing the digestive system, nervous system, and energy system of the body. Understanding and balancing the ENS through the navel proves to be incredibly beneficial from the perspectives of yoga, Ayurveda, and medical science.

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