
Mental Burden-Disease

3 years ago By Yogi Anoop

      Look at the travesty of life, what should be a mental burden for us is something that we deem supremely important and what, in reality, is significant to our existence is paid little attention to. I talk to many people who say that they are so consumed in their work that they do not have the time to take out 15-20 minutes for yoga or even a brisk walk. Some people even forget to drink water! I wonder if the supremely rich people drink water for survival or something else. 

Some people just know how to derive pleasure and satisfaction from food or alcohol, they are unaware of the fact that something as simple as drinking water can be enjoyable and satisfying. A good run is satisfying, practising deep breathing is satisfying. 

You cannot put a cap on your necessities but you can put a cap on your desires. Food, sleep, exercise, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, all of it is integral to our basic requirements, our necessities and we cannot, must not try to compromise on that. 

Can you remove your head from your body? NO! What you can remove is what you keep mounting atop - stress. In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, quality food, good sleep and regular exercise must not be sidelined - these are our core necessities. 

You must never ignore activities that can improve food, water, sleep and breathing.

In order to better our breathing and protect us from respiratory disorders, we are unable to take out time to practise pranayama, ironically, we are okay to use inhalers in case an ailment arises or pop pills to control the imbalance.  

Is it too difficult to take out time to walk for a bit? Or meditate for better sleep? These are not some chores or burdens, in today's fast-paced world, these are part of our needs, something which we must not turn away from. What would you prefer for a goodnight's sleep? Pranayama or sleeping pills? The choice is yours. For good digestion, would you want to walk or take medication? You would not choose the former as it requires effort, isn't it? Observe this simple fact, putting effort into your own health is a burden but taking a pill seems simple. 

Unfortunately, most of us are just dependent on food as for the rest of the needs, pills are available. You have sleeping pills, antidepressants for depression, antacids for digestive disorders and lack of water and inhalers for breathing issues. I fear, tomorrow if they make pills to substitute food, I guess humans will stop eating food as well.


When you ask these people how do they unwind or take out time for themselves, they say they watch YouTube or some OTT shows for an hour. These are the people who say they cannot fall asleep at night.

Bottom line - the importance of a goodnight's sleep cannot be emphasised. A well-balanced diet and keeping your body agile is a must. There is no shortcut to maintaining good health, it is a long, relentless and disciplined process that cannot be ignored for long if we want to lead a happy, healthy, fulfilling and meaningful life. 


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