
Kriya Yoga for Disease Resolution

3 weeks ago By Yogi Anoop

Kriya Yoga for Disease Resolution: A Scientific and Spiritual Perspective

Kriya Yoga, with its profound spiritual practices and scientific effects, is not merely a solution for physical and mental problems; it is also a medium for understanding the deep mysteries of human existence. In my personal experience, the processes of Aaroh (ascending movement), Avroh (descending movement), and the state of stability between them play a vital role in diagnosing and resolving ailments of the body and mind. These processes harmonize the neurons in the brain and spine, facilitating better interconnection through a disciplined mind.

Aaroh: The Flow of Energy

The Aaroh process generates an intense and lively flow of energy. It increases oxygen levels in the blood while enhancing cardiac activity to improve the circulation of blood and oxygen to the brain. This process is designed to optimize sensory neurons and activates various biochemical processes in the body and mind. For example:

1. Activation of Adrenal Glands – The secretion of adrenaline from the adrenal glands keeps the body alert and energized.

2. Pituitary and Thyroid Glands – Growth hormone secretion from the pituitary gland and the balanced activation of the thyroid gland help manage the body’s energy.

3. Stimulation of the Nervous System – This process ensures the rapid flow of energy into the brain’s cells, resulting in a controlled rise in body temperature.

These processes have a significant impact on physical and mental health. However, if the velocity of the movement becomes unbalanced, the energy can become harmful. Without proper yogic guidance, practicing this process may pose risks to both the brain and body.

Avroh: The Absorption of Energy

The Avroh process absorbs and balances the energy generated by Aaroh. It gradually calms the neurons in the brain and spine while directing the energy downward toward the Muladhara Chakra (root chakra). This process also pacifies all energy centers (chakras) along the way, balancing and stabilizing the body’s energy flow.

1. Role of Muladhara Chakra – It is essential to understand that the Muladhara is the source of physical energy in the body, while the brain is the source of intellectual energy. The Kriya Yoga method allows the Muladhara to absorb and regulate energy through its gravitational pull, thereby normalizing the temperature of bodily organs.

2. Serotonin Balance – During the descending process, neurons in the brain and spine are activated and balanced to increase serotonin levels in the brain, intestines, and blood platelets. This not only helps in the absorption of energy but also transforms it into stability.

This transformation of energy into stability leads to the realization of self-knowledge. This process not only addresses mental disorders but also balances digestive processes and excretion.

Laya: The Experience of Stability

Between and after Aaroh and Avroh, there comes a moment known as Laya. While some practitioners of Kriya Yoga refer to this as merging into nothingness, my experience differs. It is neither dissolution nor annihilation; it is simply Laya. In this state, energy, stimulation, temperature, and thoughts all cease. This is Laya.

In this Laya, one experiences not only a void but also the realization of self-existence, i.e., the soul. This is the state where the practitioner experiences complete stability within. This state represents the ultimate health and supreme knowledge.

The experience of Laya brings comprehensive balance to the brain and body. It is the moment when the meditator (Dhyata) and the object of meditation (Dhyeya) dissolve, and the practitioner becomes immersed in the depths of the soul.

Scientific and Ayurvedic Perspective

1. Temperature Regulation – In Ayurveda, Apana Vayu is considered the indirect regulator of body temperature. The descending process of Kriya Yoga activates Apana Vayu, which helps eliminate impurities from the body and maintain temperature balance.

2. Resolution of Mental Disorders – Modern research suggests that a drop in serotonin levels in the intestines can lead to physical issues like IBS, hypertension, etc., and mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, overthinking, and hyperactive mind conditions. The descending process of Kriya Yoga helps balance this problem effectively.

Stability as the Ultimate Solution

The essence of Kriya Yoga lies in balancing the flow and absorption of energy. This balance is the key to resolving physical and mental ailments while serving as an effective and accelerated medium for self-realization.

This method of meditation not only improves health but also helps the practitioner remain connected to the divine. In my experience, the best Kriya is one that simultaneously enhances the soul’s state, mental stability, and physical health—fulfilling the adage, “One solution for all.”

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