
Ishaan Corner:The Key to Body’s Health

1 week ago By Yogi Anoop

Ishaan Corner: The Key to Body’s Health

Body: Diseases Due to Imbalance in Ishaan Corner

The word Ishaan is derived from Sanskrit and is composed of two main parts:

• Ish – meaning master, God, or controller.

• Aan – which indicates direction or angle.

Thus, Ishaan means “the direction of God” or “the angle where God is believed to reside.”

Just as the Ishaan corner holds special significance in a physical house, it also has a crucial place in the house of the body. In this bodily house, the soul is the master and God, expressing itself through the five sense organs located in a particular angle that aligns with the north and east directions.

If we examine the structure of the body, the upper part of the navel is aligned with the north, the lower part with the south, the front with the east, and the back (spine) with the west. From this perspective, the north direction corresponds to the brain, which is filled with water elements, and near it, in the east, lies the face, where all sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, etc.) are positioned. This region is known as the Ishaan corner.

The five sense organs—eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin—connect the conscious soul to the external world. Through these organs, the soul interacts with and assimilates knowledge from the outer world. In fact, not only does perception occur through these organs, but self-awareness (of the perceiver) is also realized. That is why it is essential to keep the Ishaan corner open and unobstructed. Covering this area for extended periods, such as covering the face, can metaphorically imply a threat to one’s very existence.

The Need for Understanding Ishaan Corner from Different Perspectives

The Ishaan corner, i.e., the face and sense organs, should always be kept pure and clean. Their activity should remain intact, and inactivity should be avoided.

• Eyes: Eyes should be clean, free of strain, cool, and calm—not dry or fatigued. Whenever the “I” (self) connects with the external world through the eyes, the vision should not be blurred. The world should appear clear and real.

• Tongue: Similarly, when the “I” interacts with food through the tongue, it should experience not only the taste of food but also a sense of self-awareness. The taste sense plays a crucial role in the Ishaan corner.

• Nose and Touch: The sense of well-being is also linked to the Ishaan corner, as it is experienced through breath. Vision, taste, and breath—all involve the sensation of touch. Thus, the four primary senses in the Ishaan corner (north-east) are crucial for the well-being of the master of this bodily house. The only exception is the sense of hearing, which is not entirely situated within the Ishaan corner.

These senses should maintain lightness, tranquility, fluidity, and stability. Only then can the “I,” the master of the body, remain peacefully connected to the external world and experience a blissful life. Otherwise, life becomes filled with suffering and distress.

The Importance of Ishaan Corner in a Physical House

Similarly, in a physical house, the principles of the Ishaan corner are applied. Just as in the body, the Ishaan corner in a house is situated in the north-east and must be kept pure and open. It should be filled with sky, water, and air. Only then can complete health be achieved. The residents of the house, especially the master, experience peace, relaxation, and protection from diseases due to the harmonious presence of these four essential elements.

In Indian traditions, the Ishaan corner of a house is never obstructed. This area is kept open, clean, and filled with air, sky, and water. The presence of water is highly beneficial, much like how all the sense organs in the body are influenced by water. Without water, these organs cannot function efficiently.

Impact of Ishaan Corner on Mental Health

The entrance of the bodily house (the five sense organs) should never be obstructed. There should be space, an influence of water, and free movement of air, allowing for the flow of calm and cool energy, which is beneficial for health.

When the senses in the Ishaan corner are relaxed, clean, and light, the master residing in the body remains peaceful.

• A peaceful, clean, and positive mind leads to harmony in life.

• The burden of negative emotions like jealousy, anger, and fear is minimized because the Ishaan corner maintains lightness, and the balance of sky, water, and air remains intact. This is the key to complete mental health.

• Practices like yoga, pranayama, and meditation help maintain the purity of the Ishaan corner, ensuring that the sense organs remain burden-free. When this happens, the master, “I,” can reside peacefully in this bodily house and live joyfully.

Spiritual and Psychological Perspective

• Satsang and Study: The mind should be nourished with good thoughts and spiritual company. Whether looking at something or engaging in conversation, the subject should promote stability and tranquility. This ensures that the Ishaan corner remains unburdened.

• Just as idols of deities or sacred scriptures are placed in the Ishaan corner of a house to maintain a light and sacred atmosphere, the same principle applies to the mind. If, upon entering a house, one immediately sees a disturbing or unsettling image, the mind becomes restless instead of stable. Similarly, the Ishaan corner should only contain elements that foster stability.

Ultimately, based on my own spiritual practices, I have realized that all sensory inputs entering the Ishaan corner flow towards the brain (north direction), which enhances peace and stability. This prevents mental disorders and even regulates brain temperature. When the north direction remains calm and steady, it naturally ensures the health of all other directions of the bodily house.

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