
Is Celibacy Necessary?

2 years ago By Yogi Anoop

Is Celibacy Necessary?

Brahmacharya is made up of two words - Brahma + Charya. The original meaning of Brahma is 'self' i.e. the conscious soul and the meaning of 'Charya' is conduct or behavior. If seen from this point of view, the conduct and behaviour which is done for the knowledge of self, that is, the soul, should be called brahmacharya.

In layman's terms, stopping the ejaculation of semen forever is called brahmacharya. It is said that semen is a form of energy that, when ejaculated, ends spiritual energy. Therefore its accumulation was advised so that self-knowledge could be achieved through increased energy.

However, in my opinion, it is a natural process of the body which is not possible to stop completely by any means. With the increase in the amount of semen in the body, thoughts related to sex automatically arise in the mind. Just as the body needs food and water, then it tells the mind and brain in the form of hunger and thirst, if it is not fulfilled then it gets the physical need from the mind in the form of dreams and fantasies.

I kept myself thirsty at night during my experiment, didn't drink water even though I was thirsty before going to sleep, and the result was that I used to drink water in my dreams. 

In the same way, if the semen is held for a longer period than necessary, it gives sleeplessness in night. In my own brahmacharya practice, I was successful in stopping dreaming, and controlling thoughts and visions, but after a few years, I failed.

It is important to say that I consider it necessary in the same way as hunger and thirst. But it does not mean at all that one should eat something or the other throughout the day. I found in my research that people are attracted to eating and drinking during times of stress, in the same way, people are attracted to sex during stress. When there is a lot of stress, then they start wanting sex a lot. Most people have sex when they do not get sleep and go into deep sleep afterwards.

In such a situation, Brahmcharya seems very necessary. In my own experience, it does not teach to stop the flow of semen forever, but how to keep the mind calm and stable so that sex is not always needed to loosen the body and the inner soul. Sex is seen as a great means to remove the tension in the body, mind and senses, but gradually it comes in the form of lust. This is how the mind has to be saved. It is here that the sages focused on Yama Niyama, easy pranayama and meditation, etc., so that the mind could be kept calm and not become a victim of lust.

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