
Indulging in Sexual Thoughts

1 year ago By Yogi Anoop

Indulging in Sexual Thoughts: The Risks and Consequences;

Ejaculation is a natural biological process, and as the amount of semen increases, thoughts of sex automatically arise in a person's mind. After ejaculation, there is a temporary period of calm in the person's mind, and since the mind has already achieved that ultimate peace, it begins to desire to do the same activity again. However, after a few years, the effects of the increase and decrease of semen on the mind and brain disappear, and a person's attention shifts. People may associate their mind so deeply with the peace that comes from having sex that they feel they will always receive the same pleasure by repeatedly performing the same activity. This can lead to continuously generating such thoughts in their mind, and even engaging in sexual fantasies with friends sitting nearby.

However, engaging in such thoughts continuously may harm a person's brain and body, as it can lead to an obsession with a habit that is biologically illogical. No matter how many drugs a person takes or how much meat they eat, it will not fix that nerve, because the disease is no longer in the nerve, it has now reached the depths of the mind.

As a person's age and knowledge increase, their priorities should change, and they should focus on spiritual development rather than engaging in such harmful habits. When a person's nerves are controlled by their priorities, their personality undergoes the highest development. When their actions are controlled by their knowledge, spiritual development takes place. This is what sets humans apart from animals.

Indian sages encourage people to develop themselves in such a way that their thoughts start controlling their actions. The practice of celibacy was encouraged not to suppress or eliminate sex, but to improve one's behavior to the extent that a person can control their actions with their knowledge and senses.

If diseases like obsession with sexual thoughts are not controlled, a person can become like a hungry animal, and their mind can become confused. Even their nerves can become destroyed, and children born to such individuals may sometimes have mental retardation.

In conclusion, while ejaculation is a natural biological process, continuous indulgence in sexual thoughts and activities can harm a person's brain and body. As a person's priorities change with age and knowledge, they should focus on spiritual development and self-improvement rather than indulging in harmful habits. The practice of celibacy encourages people to control their actions with their knowledge and senses, and if diseases like obsession with sexual thoughts are not controlled, they can have severe consequences for both the individual and society.

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