
How do the senses cause stress on the navel?

1 year ago By Yogi Anoop

How do the senses cause stress on the navel?

     Whether it's the mind, body, or nerves, all have two aspects - one is the sun and the other is the moon. The main source of the sun in the body is the navel centre located in its central region, while the primary location of the moon is all the senses located in its northeast region. If seen from a subtle perspective, it is these senses that control all the limbs. This is where the birth of Vata occurs. Therefore, the mind and emotions influenced by the moon side are affected by Vata. Mood swings have also been observed to be highest here. Note that I am not talking about the external moon here. I am talking about the subtlety of the lunar nerves and senses.

In my opinion, disease is ultimately caused by the restlessness of these senses. What are diseases after all?

That is why I always say that the restlessness of the senses is the disease, and their stability is the state of being healthy and enlightened. As long as the lunar hemisphere is not stable, the solar hemisphere, i.e. the navel centre, cannot be strong. Sometimes patients may also feel that the weakness of the navel, i.e. the solar hemisphere, has led to weakness in their mind and senses. However, this is not fundamentally true in experiential terms. 

Although in the practice of Hatha Yoga, the attempt is made to strengthen the area of the navel first, rather than correcting the mental aspect. This is because the first step is to force the organs that are affected by negative thoughts. Then, their energy will be awakened, and their behaviour can be more controlled.

Note that in the practice of Raj Yoga, the use of Asanas is not mentioned first. The primary focus is on controlling the senses, as taught through the principles of Yama and Niyama. Without regular control of the senses according to these principles, no other practice will be very beneficial.

That is why Maharishi Patanjali mentions Yama and Niyama before Asanas and Pranayama. According to him, it is through the practice of Yama and Niyama that the senses can be stabilized, and only then should one gradually begin to practice Asanas to balance the energies of the sun and moon.

If seen from a knowledge-oriented perspective, this is the truth. Until the senses and mind stop unnecessary construction, stability cannot be achieved, and physical (navel-related) problems cannot be corrected. Ultimately, stability is necessary, although people in the worldly sense call it death, they forget that this state is almost like death. But seen from a knowledge-oriented perspective, it is called Nirvana, and from a general perspective, it can also be called deep sleep.

Physical death permanently stabilizes the senses and body, and is generally referred to as ultimate true death. But there is another stable state of the senses, which is called the state of sleep and deep sleep. It is also called temporary death. Without attaining this state, no work of the senses and body can function properly.

Note that both of the above states must be achieved by everyone. It is in their inherent nature, and cannot be avoided.

However, when the stability of these senses is attained through one's own intellectual practice, it is called a state of stable consciousness. Therefore, yogis and sages have repeatedly discussed the practice of meditation.

The fundamental meaning of this is that the senses and mind have dissolved into their essential nature. Here, the body and senses are performing their natural functions, but through the perspective of intellectual knowledge, complete stability is achieved within them. The eyes see this world, but internally they remain completely still.

Now, no change can be made in them. If one reflects, it becomes known that the restlessness of the senses has an adverse effect on all parts of the body.

Now we come to the core of the question. The senses, that is, the moon side of the body, become weak due to the imbalance of the lunar and solar sides. That is why I always emphasize that it is through balancing the intellectual side that the solar side or navel center becomes strong. If this intellectual side is controlled through the practice of meditation, the adverse effects that occur repeatedly on the navel can be controlled. With the help of Hatha yoga and pranayama, the solar side or navel can be strengthened, which can give strength to the brain.

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