
How Can I Know the Mind of others?

1 year ago By Yogi Anoop

How Can I Know the Mind of others?

"How can I know the mind of others?" is a common question we all have. There is a story that perfectly illustrates the answer to this question. Once, a disciple asked his master this same question, to which the master replied, "First, know your own mind." The disciple, curious, asked, "Then what?" The master said, "Then you will know the mind of others." This story highlights the importance of self-awareness and self-knowledge as a basis for understanding others.

However, this story is incomplete. Once we know our own mind, our desire to read others' mind will automatically stop. Therefore, instead of focusing on others, we should first focus on ourselves.

I have personally studied only one person's mind very deeply, and that person is myself. I do not feel the need to study other people's minds or even the minds of animals like dogs and cats. When I study my own mind very deeply, I gain knowledge of the fundamental nature of the mind. This knowledge is not limited to just my mind, but it extends to the knowledge of all minds that exist in every human being.

The dominion of my own mind is so vast and extensive that understanding it is very difficult. But if I can gain knowledge of it, then I can know the fundamental nature of the mind. In this state, the knowledge of everyone's mind will automatically be acquired. Therefore, it is crucial to start with ourselves and focus on our own mind to gain true understanding of others.

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