An ordinary person is not able to differentiate between energy and knowledge, energy is the nature of nature, but the nature of the conscious is not energy but knowledge. A person has a combination of both energy and knowledge but he is more based on knowledge.
Just like the light of the sun is its energy and that is its nature, all beings get energy from its light, but that sun does not have the knowledge of who it has to give more energy or less. Anyone who goes near the sun, gets burnt, the sun has no control over it but humans do have control on their energy. We do not know where to expend energy and where it will be rendered useless - this is knowledge, wisdom. All the discoveries have happened because of knowledge. We know when to do what, the right and the wrong.
Note that children and youth are driven by power, energy, and physical strength. On the basis of these, they feel they can conquer the world. But keep in mind that if any energy is not controlled by wisdom and knowledge, then it destroys itself. Anger is power, but its control is possible only with knowledge. Anger is not knowledge, if power is not driven and governed by knowledge, it kills itself very quickly. The life of muscular energy does not last long, its age is not more than 25 to 45 years. Then comes the age of retirement. After the practice of gym exercises, it seems that power is power. Strength in muscles gives a person the feeling of being powerful like Alexander. If we look at the energy better than that, then there is Hatha Yoga which focuses on the subtle energies located in the nadis.
Hatha yoga talks about the subtle energy that flows inside the nadis.
In all the asanas practised in Hatha Yoga, the dormant energy in the nadis is channelled throughout the body. It acts on the energy leading to subtlety. But even hatha yoga gives energy, not knowledge.
It works on those energy centres located in the body, which keep the energy in the brain for a long time.
For example, there are 7 chakras (from Mooladhara to Sahasrara chakra) located in the spine which are the centres of all energy. Their function is to open the centres of energy and not knowledge. Although in the beginning, the seekers do not get the distinction between energy and knowledge. Most of the seekers are not even able to perceive the difference between the two throughout their life. That's why after a lot of enjoyment in hatha yoga, a person becomes a victim of foolishness.
This life is like a ladder, the trick is to move from gross to subtle, that is where we came from - subtle to gross. But the common man is not aware of this mystery. That is why he has to go back to the same subtleness to be at peace and healthy.
It is easy after that the secret of the subtlest life is known and understood. After that, gradually one has to understand the knowledge of the senses and then settle in full knowledge through meditation and samadhi. The ultimate goal is the journey of reaching knowledge slowly from the grossness of energy. The journey ends when wisdom is attained.
Copyright - by Yogi Anoop Academy