
Fear And Hyperactivity

2 years ago By Yogi Anoop

Fear And Hyperactivity 

Just by looking at a speeding car, one can mostly tell whether the driver is an unmarried man or married. 

The behaviour of an unmarried person is not very experiential, there is more heat in the circulation of blood, he considers himself to be everything. He is very quick to achieve the goal. Due to lack of patience, and heat in blood, there is no sign of moral rules and limits. He does not drive, rather dances. He only understands the language of power but not of knowledge.


A married person, on the other hand, drives very carefully, he drives in fear. He has a wife and children, responsibilities. Fear is seen in his action, he treads with caution. His mind is compelled to carry the burden of responsibilities. He can't even run away. He feels bound in those chains. That's why his driving is measured.

But note, both these states are not good, in one the mind is immature and in the other there is a burden on the mind. Both cause fatigue in the brain. Both of these processes reduce power. Although knowledge (neither in childhood nor only after getting married) has nothing to do with it. Here, the game is of power - power of senses, mind and body is deteriorating.

Although after a certain age, one should shift from Shakti (youth) to knowledge (adulthood and experience), however, this is not seen. This is the reason why older people tend to get cranky. They lack stamina. Note, a normal person either learns after facing problems (which he doesn't do throughout his life) and either faces problems from knowledge. If he does not choose any means in both, then he starts having mental and physical diseases. His power diminishes. 

After a particular age, a person needs more knowledge than power, because power can be managed by knowledge, but knowledge cannot be obtained by power. Power is with nature, the sun has the power but no knowledge, it does not know how much light to give to whom.

If real knowledge is born in a person then he knows what to do and when. That is why he is considered skilled in action, called Nishkaam Karma Yogi. A skilled driver is not afraid or hyperactive. He enjoys driving. He would drive with a calm mind and even his attention is full while driving. His behaviour is not even mechanical like that of a truck driver.

But ordinary people do not see such experience, they neither learn from the world nor from themselves. They die fighting with sorrow and disease throughout their lives.

That is why such a majority of people turn to religion. To give some rest to the mind of such people, orders are passed from above (God), fear is given, the temptation of profit is given. The preachers of religion must have felt that by doing this the evils of the mind of common people can be corrected, checked and kept in control but instead of correcting them, they become more mechanical. They fall prey to mental slavery and get buried in the concepts of customs.

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