
Does Fatty Liver !

3 months ago By Yogi Anoop

Does Fatty Liver Mean An Increased Risk of Heart-related Problems?

  • Fatty liver means that your liver is not functioning properly. To understand this with an example, if fat increases in your neck or other areas, your flexibility decreases. Just as overweight people find it difficult to turn their necks and have to move their entire body, the accumulation of fat in your organs reduces their flexibility.
  • When fat increases in the muscle area of the body, the flexibility of the muscles gradually decreases, leading to difficulties in action and relaxation. The same applies to organs. If an organ becomes fatty, it cannot function properly. It fails to process fat correctly and sends it into the bloodstream, which can lead to problems in the blood.
  • Earlier, heart problems were not as common. Most issues were related to the liver. Ayurveda worked on digestion and excretion, focusing on how the liver could function better.
  • Medical science has proven that there is no specific medicine for the liver. The more the liver is kept in rest mode, the more powerful it becomes. Even if a part of the liver is cut away, it can repair itself. The liver never ages.
  • Does fatty liver increase the risk of heart-related problems? Yes, absolutely. There are no specific heart problems; most issues stem from the liver. If the liver is healthy, there will be no heart-related issues. When I talk about yoga poses or pranayama, I try to activate the liver more than the heart.
  • Through yoga, we can bring the liver into rest mode. Activating the Ida and Sushumna nadis has a positive effect on the liver. Ancient sages also spoke of maintaining calmness and patience to avoid aggravating the liver.
  • When someone gets angry, it was said that “their bile has increased,” meaning the liver has become hyperactive. The liver is referred to as the sun or father because it is the largest and most important organ.
  • Among yoga asanas, Savasana is considered the most effective because it provides coolness and relaxation to the body and liver. If we maintain our behavior, character, and the five senses properly, we can maintain the health of the liver.
  • The liver should always receive the right food and drink. Fatty liver causes the most harm to the heart, so make sure to prevent fat accumulation in the liver and thus help avoid heart diseases.

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