
Depression & Calf Muscles Pain

3 years ago By Yogi Anoop

The Truth Behind Calf Muscles Pain


It has been noticed that a person suffering from depression and anxiety often complains of vague pains and aches. One of the most common pain points is the calf muscles. These cramps are mostly felt at night and affect both the legs for some people or only the left leg for a few.

I have met a few people who have a strong, often irresistible urge to move their legs, usually accompanied by uncomfortable sensations, almost anytime and anywhere, be it while eating or working in their offices. 

Have you noticed that children move their legs quite often because their legs' movement has to match their brains' activity? The habit is not appreciated, and often children are rebuked for doing it. For an adult, the restless leg syndrome is considered a manifestation of depression. The uncontrollable desire to move one's legs is a way to rein in thoughts in the hyperactive mind and seek solace by diverting its attention. 

To get rid of it, one must start working on the calf muscles.

  1. Pumping of calf muscles.

  2. Stretching of calf muscles

  3. Stretching of the calf muscles along with reverse blood circulation.

  4. Moving your legs on purpose will also help calm the brain, and it will no longer feel the urge to keep doing it.

  5. Walking on Toes, at least 10 to 15 minutes daily. 

  6. Get Calf Muscles Massage before Sleep at Bed. 

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