Defensive self conversation and breathing fluctuation
In many of my writeups, I have talked about people with an anxious mindset. These people are rarely able to be satisfied with themselves and keep on doing unreasonable actions which may lead to lower self-satisfaction. Such people always dwell with a victim mentality and find reasons to put blame on others and call them a culprit.
At the time of talking to themselves, or holding a self conversation, such people, almost always, tend to be in a defensive mode. Here, by keeping a defensive mode, I mean, that a person is not able to muster enough conversation in them that they end up weakening themselves. Such people pose absurd questions on their own and even end up finding answers to those as well on their own. They create such a cobweb of thoughts and possibilities that they get caught in the same.
Such kinds of self conversations end up harming the body, the mind and the breathing pattern. In such a state of defensiveness, the body pumps out more oxygen out of the lungs, the lungs and the stomach are almost always squeezed in. Such people end up pumping out their breath a lot and not breathing in properly or taking shallow breaths.
If this continues, it leads to a reduction in self-satisfaction and in the long run may even give rise to anxiety and depression.
Useful Tricks
First things first, do not keep yourself in a defensive mode. If you want to evolve your mind and grow the level of satisfaction, then do a conversation with yourself in a broader way.
Do not get tense or strain your eyes while conducting a self conversation, it staves off depression and does not let the brain get tense.
It is important to hold fruitful, enriching conversations with trusted people to broaden the horizon of the mind so that one does not feel mentally restricted.
As I have repeatedly said, do not indulge in extremely hyperphysical activities. Exercises should be such wherein the muscles get slow and long-lasting experiences.
Practice pranayama which heals the right part of the brain and simultaneously helps in shifting your consciousness to the left brain. This would have two benefits - first, the right brain will calm down and strengthen the parasympathetic nervous system, secondly, the other will activate the left brain part and motivate a person to live in the present.
One must practice the following:
1- Turtle breathing
2- Chest expansion pranayam
Practising these pranayamas for 11 minutes each in the morning as well as before sleeping will give results in a matter of a few days.
Such types of people consume a lot of carbohydrates that is why they require instant energy. It is important for such people to consume more brain fat. By brain fat I mean, foods that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids which are good for brainpower. People who exhaust their brain a lot by lots of thoughts and emotions must consume brain power-enhancing foods in the form of nuts, et cetera. These foods increase the capacity of the brain's tissues to increase absorption, therefore, they are able to withstand any shock.
The biggest blow to the brain is caused by the flow of emotions and overthinking, if brain fat and vegetarian protein are taken, it is extremely beneficial.
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