“The day we experience deep and restful sleep, our stomach naturally gets cleansed.”
This is the opinion of not just one or two, but 40% of 100 people. However, about 60% of people have the opposite experience: they find that when their stomach is clean, they sleep very well.
From both a medical perspective and that of an ordinary person who often suffers from constipation, there is an improvement in sleep when constipation is resolved. Many report that their sleep problems have increased due to constipation, whereas they did not have such issues before. They would still have dreams and so on, as they say.
Partially, this is also true because whenever there is any kind of crisis in the stomach, sleep disturbances can be clearly observed.
However, in my experience, about 40% of people with heightened mental awareness seem to experience sleep issues first. They have faced sleep disturbances, dreams, etc., for many years. They did not view these dreams and partial disturbances in sleep as problems.
Such individuals often wake up with a low level of satisfaction. Because their sense of satisfaction is at a minimum, they begin to notice problems with not having a clean stomach. Alongside this, there is often an increased heart rate. Since they feel tired throughout their body and mind upon waking, they believe that some mental activity has been ongoing throughout the night, which is why their body and senses feel fatigued.
If I attempt to explore the science behind this, I find this subtlety to be very evident. In deep sleep, all parts of the body, especially the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, and intestines, are involved. Since the entire brain is free from thoughts in deep sleep, all body parts can also exist independently during that time. All body parts function according to their nature, which is their intrinsic quality.
As I always explain, there are two types of activities in the body: one is involuntary and the other is voluntary—activities performed by the mind through the senses in the brain and body. In deep sleep, this voluntary activity is almost negligible, allowing the body system to successfully perform involuntary actions freely. This is why the body and brain get several hours of complete time to function according to their nature, allowing them to reset.
During this reset process, a natural action begins to expel toxins from the body and mind. This is why when a person wakes up from deep sleep, they naturally pass urine and stool. Even the natural discharge of mucus and phlegm from the eyes can be seen after waking up. In children, a larger amount of mucus is often observed coming from the eyes.
Therefore, I emphasize that deep sleep should be the primary means for bowel movements. If deep sleep is achieved, many issues related to the intestines can be resolved automatically.
To achieve deep sleep, individuals should adopt certain practices, such as pranayama and meditation before sleeping.
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