
Can Pranayama Make Life Longer?

1 year ago By Yogi Anoop

Student: Can pranayama make life much longer?

Yogi Anoop: Without understanding what pranayama is, this question cannot be answered. Therefore, first understand the meaning of pranayama. Generally, pranayama refers to giving direction to inhalation and exhalation, which not only calms the body but also the mind and senses. However, this is the meaning of a common pranayama.

These types of pranayama are usually viewed from a medical perspective. For example, Bhastrika, Kapalbhati, Sheetali, Suryabhedi, Anulom-Vilom, etc., are many pranayamas that are very helpful in keeping the body healthy. Those who practice it benefit from it, and their life force definitely increases. However, it should be noted here that excessive pranayama can also decrease life force. If any part of the body (such as the lungs) is overworked in pranayama, it can cause many diseases in the body.

Student: What is the purpose of Pranayama?

 Yogi Anoop - Pranayama has two main objectives: firstly, to control the inhalation and exhalation of breath in order to keep the body and senses healthy, and secondly, to practice self-control through the medium of breath. In the first practice, the practitioner focuses their attention on the body and breath while doing Pranayama, while in the second practice, one focuses on oneself through the concentration of breath. In my own experience, the primary objective of Pranayama is to calm and stabilize oneself. It is through this that the body and senses remain healthy for a longer period of time. To understand it in more depth, it is appropriate to seek the assistance of an experienced teacher.

Student: Why do many practitioners of pranayama seem hyper?

Yogi Anoop: It depends on the intentions and methods of the practitioner. Some people become hyper while practicing pranayama, while others who naturally have a hyper disposition perform pranayama in a hyper manner. However, performing any yogic practices that are very subtle in a hyper manner can be harmful.

Pranayama is practiced in a very calm manner so that one can calm oneself. It is important to note that to achieve peace and stability, only calm and stable practices are necessary. Along with this, calm and stable methods should also be used. Otherwise, achieving the goal is almost impossible.

For example, to achieve a non-violent state, one must use non-violent means and also use non-violent methods. Only then can a non-violent state be achieved.

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