
Can Living in The Present End Mental Issues?

3 years ago By Yogi Anoop

Can Living in The Present End Mental Issues? 

To be in the present moment is to manage the situation at hand. What I mean here is that when a person is met with a crisis or a problem, he/she is focused on the present moment and as soon as a person is relaxed, the mind begins to either drift into the past or think about the future.

The mind is distraught with emotions and anxiety when it over thinks about the past or the future and this is the very reason behind the rise of anxiety and a host of mental troubles. The person tries to satisfy himself by fantasising about what could be. In this pampering, one gets instant happiness, even the mind wants to get quick pleasures that it does not take the help of the senses except the body.

This is similar to the state dream, when the mind is without the senses, without the co-operation of the body and derives pleasure from self-made plots and scripts. In this state, it is happy, satisfied, as it gets a rush of dopamine.

The truth is that this instant pleasure that the mind gets gives great sorrow and disease to the other associates (senses and body) in future. The main reason for this is the neglect of the body and the senses.

Lets us understand this better with an example -

A person likes to stand on the shore and look at the sea and marvel at the sight, however, they do not get to experience the same nature inside their mind and this is why the mind gets attracted to outward things. The root cause of attraction is the lack inside, that is, the mind wants to fill that deficiency and void from outside. The body is neglected in the process of accomplishing this. The body and the senses do not get the amount of hormonal secretion they need.

Let's see another example

The experience of fear in real life and the state of dreams is different. In reality, the mind and the body can absorb the hormonal secretion produced as a result of fear, however, no matter how terrifying a dream is, the body and the mind are inactive during sleep and, as a result, are not able to process the same as efficiently. Bottom line, in a state of dream, fantasy or imagination, only the mind is active while the senses and the body are not, therefore there is no control over the present moment, the circumstances, the impact on the body. This is the root cause of many issues and must be avoided. 

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