Tortoise is a very patient creature, it can contain all its senses and at the same time has a very long life, that is why the Indian sages considered it holy. To get its purity accepted in the Hindu culture, it had to be called an incarnation of Vishnu. Whichever creature is stable in nature also gives out a very calming vibe. If that creature is revered and respected then stability begins to seep into the soul and memory. The sages gave a spiritual angle to this as well.
From the point of view of religious and material science, by keeping certain symbols in the north direction of the house, peace remains among the inhabitants and it is said that they have longevity. Although the symbols do not have that much power to give longevity to humans, the main purpose of the sages was to make sense of stability in the memory of humans through the picture of that turtle, as well as through it a common person does not allow his senses to become hyper.
That is why the sages also implanted Lord Vishnu in the form of a tortoise so that the soul of the public would have a lot of reverence and respect for that creature.
Note that somewhere inside everyone's house, some symbols, signs, pictures etc. can be seen hanging on the walls, if a picture of a nude figure is hanging on the wall, what will be the feeling inside the beholder? Naturally only feelings related to lust and sex will arise. When a person sees someone through the eyes, then feelings related to them begin to arise.
Similarly, if any person keeps symbols of tortoise and elephant or any living being of stable nature in a symbolic form inside the house and simultaneously thinks that God is in it, then it is natural for him to get stable feelings. When the person living in the house turns his eyes toward that still calm turtle, then, at that moment, he is reminded of the stable nature inside his mind. Such feelings increase somewhere in his memory. With the increase of those feelings, there is an indirect increase of patience inside the mind automatically.
In the same way, there are many symbols inside the house, due to which the senses of the people living in the house get calm even if it is only for a moment and a moment. But the indirect form of those calm and steady waves goes on going inside the mind.
If one thinks from a practical point of view, the reminding of these symbols cannot increase one's life, it cannot be that just keeping a turtle will prolong life. Turtles do not have enough power to increase one's life and stabilise one's mind, but it is said that a person of common sense will not hang naked pictures, lion skins, horns of dead creatures, etc. in his house. Keep some such symbolic signs in the house which give rest to the senses and the mind. Those sights will naturally increase peace and stability in the memory.
That is why it was also advised to keep idols and pictures of deities in the house. Here, when an ordinary person sees these pictures, then for that one moment his mind becomes empty. It is true that he is not able to feel and perceive that emptiness, but that momentary emptiness that he gets automatically is very useful for the life of his mind. Similarly, by keeping the turtle in the house symbolically, the same type of emptiness and stability can be invoked momentarily.
Ultimately, it would not be wrong to say that the more the sense of peace and stability in life increases, the more satisfied and long life becomes.
Copyright - by Yogi Anoop Academy