Do you ever feel like you are mentally drained without having done any physically exhausting job? Or have you ever heard someone use the term 'mentally exhausted'? Well, this is because our brain gets exhausted by the proportion of work it does. The more mentally taxing a job is, it is more likely for a person to feel mentally burnt out.
Believe it or not but our flight of imagination requires a lot of hard work on our brain's part. It has to design a whole script with locations, colours, shapes, weave a complete story -undeniably, all this consumes a lot of brain energy. Plus, it must be noted, usually, whatever result comes out of this whole scripting is negative, resulting in anxiety and overthinking which further takes a toll on mental health.
The truth is that our brain scripts stories and overthinks to bring negative results. There is a lot of anxious detailing in this exercise, such as who manipulated whom, what were the secrets behind someone's speaking, so on and so forth. Such people can easily, and almost always, make a mountain of a mole, blow things out of proportion and exaggerate things like anything.
I have observed that the more anxious detailing the mind does, the quicker the brain's energy is drained. The irony is that it takes way more effort to recharge a drained brain. This is exactly what gives rise to addictions as a discharged brain hunts for the quickest way to get some solace and energy and most people find it in food, alcohol and mindless bingeing.
If a person is hyper, they may often not get satisfied with simple sugar and then jump on fermented sugar, that is, alcohol. There is also unbridled hogging on non-vegetarian items and a great need for fried foods. All these items are high in calories and give a quick fix to the brain. If this need is not met immediately, mood swings begin to occur and such people may also start showing symptoms of depression.
Bear in mind that these are just shortcuts to make oneself feel better, in reality, it harms the body, increases fat and gives rise to a host of ailments. It further leads to the slowing down of the brain.
Here are some tips that you can keep handy to recharge your brain naturally and keep it healthy without resorting to unhealthy options
Recharge your brain
It is important to do two things at the time when the brain is discharged - some activity of the spine that can rush the blood towards the brain and some pranayama that increases the level of prana in the brain.
Practise pranayama before sleeping, according to your nature. Well, let me mention a common pranayama technique, that is, deep chest breathing. If you want to learn more about it, read our related blogs on the same or get a consultation.
Try to have an early dinner and ensure to walk after your meal, not a strenuous activity, just a leisure walk.
Do not watch any screen after 8 pm. Even if it is a satsang stream. This time should only be used for calming your body, mind and senses. Take a leisure walk, practise pranayama, write about yourself - in short, whatever you do after 8 pm should be your own. Mind you, if you think looking at a screen, simply scrolling social media feed or watching videos and movies is entertainment, then let me break this to you, it is not. It only depletes your brain's energy.
If possible, take shower before you sleep.
I hope the above-mentioned tips will come handy in maintaining your mental health and keeping your brain charged. Adequate amount of sleep, eating a well-balanced diet and regular meditation also go a long way in decluttering the mind, keeping it fresh, alert and free from anxiety.
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