I wouldn't say the best, but I would like to give a very accurate example that should help you understand.
For example, a boy remembers a book and goes to write it in his answer book. That boy is focused while writing that answer book, he is writing down the remembered things in his answer book, and he is completely focused at that time in copy and pasting, which means copy from book and pasting in answer book, meaning he is in the present because at that time, other thoughts are not entering his mind.
Now let's give an example of another child who is writing in the answer book by thinking and contemplating. Instead of memorising the book, he understands it and writes in the answer book using that understanding.
Now pay attention here, that child is also thinking during that exam time, forming sentences by choosing words in his mind and writing those sentences in the answer book. And all of this is done at that moment, deciding which sentence to write, where, at what time, and how to end it.
If you look closely, at that time the boy encapsulates the present moment. He has the full power to break and mould words. He is free, so free that while writing the sentence, he can change its form in the middle. He has complete control over his thoughts and actions at that moment, and he is living in the present moment.
A boy who does not hold any pattern of words or sentences in his mind just understands them, and immediately produces words from his understanding. He is creatively intuitive, looking at the present situation and instantly expressing in writing what he wants to convey. He has the ability to play with words and sentences, and that is why he can write while visualising. He puts his thoughts into words with few grammatical mistakes, but those mistakes give him the ability to increase higher intellectual capacity. He has a skill. He can never lose in life, wherever he is, because he has learned to give shape to his thoughts. The same way he would make the better shape of his life in the future.
However, he who is cramming to write an answer in a book is in the present but not growing intuitively. He will not be able to make any better shape of his life because he doesn’t know how to make any shape.
Now you have to choose which present is better.
Here is another thing I want to add, slightly different from the subject -
Children who write their own answers in the answer book with their own skills are likely to have some minor grammatical mistakes in their answers, but teachers deduct marks from such children. The teacher gives more marks to those children who have completely printed all the letters properly. Because the teacher's job is to see the correct answer, not to know the depth of the mind of the person answering. However, it is important for a good teacher to try to understand how intuitive the child is from that answer. But despite having a good modern education system, it is filled with flaws. In this, the child's intuitive skill is not seen by looking at the answer book.
However, in the gurukul system, the guru provided the highest excellence to those children who had intuitive skills and intelligence.
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