
Are Females More Prone To Depression?

2 years ago By Yogi Anoop

Are Females More Prone To Depression? 

If you see scientifically, then women's bodies are way too much complicated and complex than men's partially because of which they are more prone to hormonal imbalances. Hormonal imbalances are among the topmost reasons behind mood swings in women, and hence goes the famous but not so funny menstruation joke. 

If the hormonal ebb and flow is not checked, a female may even fall prey to anxiety and depression. Science says that women have more thoughts than men.

If seen from the spiritual point of view, the emotional and brain cellular structure of women is different from that of men. Their brain has more power to control the complex process of the body such as pain, and the power to withstand emotional pressure for a long time is seen more in women. This is because changes in their body from time to time make their brain get used to the pain. That is why their heart is more powerful than that of men. Their percentage of heart attacks is much lower than that of men.

A female body is much capable of withstanding changes as opposed to men. At the age of 10 to 13, women have to go through many changes like the onset of menstruation, hormonal changes after marriage, changes during and after pregnancy, menopause and so on. Due to all this, hormonal instability occurs inside him and emotional upheaval (depression) may be seen. These physical changes happen from time to time so quickly that emotional and hormonal instability becomes natural. All these changes are not seen in men because their body structure is not so complex and they do not go through so many changes in their bodies. 

If seen from the point of view of Nadis, women are more regulated from the Chandra Nadi, they have more emotional reserves than men. They are also more emotionally hungry. Their brains are much more complex and tolerant than those of men, because they are also influenced by the cells in the brain that control their uterus and breasts. Their brain has to secrete far more hormones for their future child, and along with that secretion, they have to create feelings. While going through these complex processes, they have to deal with emotional instability which may cause depression. The nature of receiving is found in women by birth, that is why they also accept emotions more than necessary.

Even from the point of view of phonetics, women seem to be more driven by the right brain and left nostril, due to this, the process of thinking more than necessary is usually seen. Their problem is simply not being able to come out of that thought process. 

If seen from the point of view of three nature or prakruti, then their place is found in Kapha (Water) and Vata (Air). The basic nature of water is to be absorbed, as far as water is concerned, it is seen from a subtle point of view, that water also absorbs emotionality. That is why when the moon rises, there is instability in that water i.e. emotional upheaval. If seen from a more scientific point of view, every 15 days there is an emotional entanglement when the moon rises and sets.

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