
Absence ..mind and body health

3 years ago By Yogi Anoop

The basic meaning of 'bhava' or thought is to be something. It is a set of thoughts that creates activity in the mind and senses. Think of it in this way, how are we able to set goals, direct ourselves towards achieving something? The seed of all of it is in thoughts - an intangible, unseen entity that drives us, drives the world. 

Unfortunately, we all are so entwined and tangled in thoughts that the absence of it is daunting. In reality, this constant rendezvous with thoughts, the mindless chatter is what makes us so anxious. No matter how much we try, we are unable to relax, unwind, rest, even sleep, because of this constant influx of thoughts. 

What is deep sleep? It in itself is a state of deep meditation, a thoughtless realm, a state of deep rest and repair. Nowadays, many of us are devoid of this basic and simple blessing - we are unable to get a sound, good night's sleep. Therefore, anxiety and ailments are at an all-time high.     

Remember, when the rhythm and sync of emotions and thoughts get disrupted,when they begin to take over a person unabated, the harmony of mind and body is disturbed and diseases arise.

The state of absence is not something that needs to be feared. A thoughtless mind is not a cause of worry, it is a state of absolute bliss, what many people have now begun to call a 'zen' state of mind. 

A state of nothingness, quietness, absence of thoughts must be chased and explored. This absence is the other side of the same coin denoting emotions and thoughts. The primary function of this absence is to achieve stillness in face of turbulent thoughts and emotions - a fulfilling emptiness!  


Simply put, when nothing swirls in the mind, it is called a state of absence. The fear of thoughtlessness is very high among people. However, it is not understood that without this stillness, quietness and absence of thoughts, leading a life which is emotionally balanced and fulfilling is not possible. 

I have observed, when we get more entangled in the web of emotions, it becomes extremely difficult to find a way out of it. Quieting the mind seems difficult and we lose control over emotions, thoughts, and subsequently, our willpower. Instead of finding ways to attain peace and calmness, we resort to mediums that would numb the mind. In a state of inability to relax and sleep, we begin to take antidepressants and other medications which give rise to other ailments, then we take some more pills and the nasty loop never stops. 

Remember, feelings and emotions will always give rise to happiness and sorrow, what is to be kept in mind is not to sway in this ebb and flow. When stillness, meditativeness is achieved, one gets the strength to stand unaffected in face of raging emotions and thoughts. 

How to achieve stillness of mind?  

Here are some tips that can help arm the mind against the storm of thoughts and emotions and attain stillness - meditation is one and the most effective way. The very meaning of meditation is to be situated in absence.

Observe your thoughts, do not get swept away by them. Choose a peaceful place, sit upright or lie down and observe all parts of your body; breathe and observe your breath. Simply observe, do not get tangled in the thoughts arising out of those observations. Do not associate with them. Practice this for at least 10 minutes. After a few days of practice, you will be able to understand your feelings and emotions. You will be able to detach yourself from all the mental commotion and attain stillness. 

It is necessary to observe your emotions and thoughts. Attaining stillness and a state of absence in mind is not possible by getting one with rising and falling emotions and thoughts. Simply observe and let go. Remember, the solution here is not to suppress emotions and thoughts but to observe them and let them pass without getting tangled or reacting to them. With ample practice, you will begin to eliminate unnecessary mental commotion and focus on the productive bits, therefore, you will begin to get a sense of direction.

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